As you may have seen from the email that went out this morning, we have moved the April meeting to Wednesday the 11th, in the FCAHS Library. We hope you can join us!
Timothy Mahoney, the Director of Special Education and Pupil Services, will be our guest. (Lisa Gibson spoke about HS opps at our last meeting). Topics will include types of acceleration (including whole-grade) and Tim's vision for gifted education for the district.
Also, here's a plea for greater involvement! We need to renew our PAGE membership and thus need to update our Board. It's really not a lot of work (unless you want it to be!). If you want to be a school rep or a member of our executive committee, please email and let me know! With all the terrific parent activism I've seen in the last few months, I hope some of that will spill over to FCAPAGE too!